Fox felted wool animal doll OOAK handmade

Jacque du Fox

 Jacque du Fox hails from Sherbrooke, Ontario, Canada where he had a successful career in the logging industry.

  Jacque wandered into a logging camp after a forest fire as a young fox and was adopted by the logging crew. As he grew, he was put to work when it was discovered he was a very good climber and not at all afraid of heights.

  He specialized in scampering up tall trees with a special rope he would use to attach to cables that would be used to direct tree falls.

  Due to a mandatory retirement age Jacque has left the industry and his crew paid for his trip to Fox Hollow Friends were he looks forward to being adopted into a more leisurely life.


 Jacque du Fox with his special rope.


Jacque du Fox at the end of a long day.

Jacque after preparing a load of lumber for the mill.

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